Allison Brennan

And I’m Off!

on June 20, 2013

I’m off to RomCon, the romance readers convention in Colorado. I’ve never been, but so many of my author friends have told me it’s a fabulous venue to meet readers, so when they invited me as one of the romantic suspense authors, I said sure! One of the events I’m involved with “Super Sleuth” were me and 12 other authors will be participating in a Clue-like game. I’m the emcee and received the rules of the game tonight — wow. Someone with an incredible imagination came up with this! I hope I can do it justice.

And I'm Off!

on June 20, 2013

I’m off to RomCon, the romance readers convention in Colorado. I’ve never been, but so many of my author friends have told me it’s a fabulous venue to meet readers, so when they invited me as one of the romantic suspense authors, I said sure! One of the events I’m involved with “Super Sleuth” were me and 12 other authors will be participating in a Clue-like game. I’m the emcee and received the rules of the game tonight — wow. Someone with an incredible imagination came up with this! I hope I can do it justice.

It’s Me Again …

on June 6, 2013

Yeah, me again. I meant to get a guest blogger, but was so wrapped up in my revisions that I forgot :/ So … this is going to be a fun day! I’m sharing information about book buying habits. I’m going to give away ONE autographed copy of STOLEN to a lucky commenter. I’ll post the winner here over the weekend, so make sure you check back.

It's Me Again …

on June 6, 2013

Yeah, me again. I meant to get a guest blogger, but was so wrapped up in my revisions that I forgot :/ So … this is going to be a fun day! I’m sharing information about book buying habits. I’m going to give away ONE autographed copy of STOLEN to a lucky commenter. I’ll post the winner here over the weekend, so make sure you check back.

School’s Out

on June 4, 2013

My kids have only been out of school for three days and already I’ve heard the two youngest sing–often–the popular song called, “I’m bored.” If they were growing up in the 70s and 80s like me, they’d be out every day until the street lamps came on. I had three good friends who all lived only blocks from me (and my best friend was two doors down); I had a bike I rode everywhere; and I had a summer pass to the movie theater where every Saturday we could see a dollar matinee of Disney movies. I spent hundreds of… Read More

School's Out

on June 4, 2013

My kids have only been out of school for three days and already I’ve heard the two youngest sing–often–the popular song called, “I’m bored.” If they were growing up in the 70s and 80s like me, they’d be out every day until the street lamps came on. I had three good friends who all lived only blocks from me (and my best friend was two doors down); I had a bike I rode everywhere; and I had a summer pass to the movie theater where every Saturday we could see a dollar matinee of Disney movies. I spent hundreds of… Read More

Brain Freeze

on May 28, 2013

The three day weekend threw me off, and I didn’t get the reminder out this weekend for our Murder He Writes guest we set up … 2 months ago. Bad me. Also, I’ve spent all weekend working on revisions for COLD SNAP, writing upcoming guest blogs and articles for the release of STOLEN next week, and enjoying an overcast and damp Memorial Day by going to a high school baseball game (our school won the D-VI championship! Yeah!) But here’s the links to our previous guests, and we’re booked up through July with some great guys 🙂 … and read… Read More


on May 23, 2013

Wow. Just wow. There are so many great shows on television today that I can’t possibly talk about them all, but I wanted to share my thoughts on some of the season finales and how they worked … and didn’t work. Warning: there are spoilers. Do not read if you don’t want spoilers. Got it? Or skip around … I identified each show in the heading, so skip those you don’t want spoiled.

Running into the Fire

on May 21, 2013

It’s difficult to write a blog knowing that so many people are suffering right now in Oklahoma. The devastation left by the mile-wide tornado isn’t going to disappear in the next day or week. It takes months to clear the debris, to rebuild homes, to repairs roads and utilities and businesses. Everything can be replaced, except people. It’s those left behind that I ache for. I can not imagine — I do not want to imagine — what people who have lost more than their home or business are feeling.

I Love Readers

on May 9, 2013

I don’t want to go into details, but there have been some Readers Behaving Badly — readers so upset about an author’s story choices that they have resorted to threats. I’m flummoxed about this because, while I understand how readers might get mad at a book and never read that author again, that they would threaten an author and say horrific things on-line is beyond me. We’ve heard of stalkers (both physical and on-line) and general threats to all celebrities, and some of them authors, but to me, this situation goes even further, as if the characters and story is… Read More