Allison Brennan


on July 31, 2008

So right now I’m at the RWA conference. Already it’s been a whirlwind week, but it’s only just begun! On Tuesday I took a couple of people to Napa for Brenda Novak’s Diabetes Auction prize. That evening, I spoke at the Kiss of Death AGM meeting. It was fun and everyone was gracious that I didn’t have a formal speech. Yep, did it on a couple bullet points because when I started to write something, I didn’t know what to say. Speechwriting is HARD. Talking is easy 🙂 Yesterday was the literacy signing and it was a blast. Then my… Read More

Write, or write not

on June 19, 2008

I just came off a satisfying week over at Ask An Author All, a listserv for RWA members where authors answer questions on a specific subject, often posting a lecture or detailed explanation about something. Last year, Patti Berg and I did a joint week to the PRO loop based on our No Plotters Allowed workshop. We had a blast, so we’re giving it again online through Writers-U in October–the only online workshop we’re giving on this topic this year. I’ve done this before — I think on the ALL loop I did the Romantic Suspense Triangle, and on the… Read More

It's Thursday Again?

on June 5, 2008

Yes, I forgot it was Thursday and therefore forgot I had a post due up. You’ll have to pardon my negligence: * Daughter #1 graduated Tuesday night from 8th grade. I feel old. But not as old as Karin who just graduated Tabke #4 from high school. Bawhahahaha! * Drama with said graduation party where Daughter #1 didn’t not want me to chaperone. Me thinks she protests too much . . . so I rode in the limo with the kids, which brings up the question: Why do 14 year olds need a limo? Said party had one parent for… Read More

Need Questions!

on May 29, 2008

PASIC, the Published Author Special Interest Chapter, has had online workshops for the past year, and this Fall is turning the monthly workshops into quarterly events. We want to provide writers, both published and unpublished, with workshops that can’t be found elsewhere. As PASIC President, I think it’s important as both a fundraising tool, promotional opportunity, and service (paying forward concept) to provide such workshops to members of RWA and other aspiring and published authors. So I’m developing a unique workshop for November that is exclusive–at least for the year after I present at PASIC online, you won’t get this… Read More

"Speed, my name is Speed"

on May 22, 2008

Did you ever see the Pixar movie CARS? Lightning McQueen believes speed is what will catapult him into the winner’s circle, but learns instead that without technique, speed won’t cut it. Yesterday, I interviewed with a Boston Globe reporter about writing three books a year. Apparently, there are some authors who are struggling to write one book a year. Granted, they are hardcover “big book” authors who are expected to deliver one book a year, and said book will likely stay on the NYT list for 4-8 weeks, there will be an author tour, speaking engagements, and the like. Still,… Read More

Contests, Scholarships and YA

on May 15, 2008

CONTESTS PASIC–the Published Author Special Interest Chapter of RWA–runs a great contest. The judges are those who know what readers really want–booksellers and librarians. The deadline is May 27th, and the nice thing about this contest is that anyone can enter–published or unpublished; RWA member or not. Check out the details HERE on the newly designed PASIC website. Speaking of contests, people who know me know that I used to be a major contest slut. I entered around 45 contests in 2003, the year I joined RWA (the year before I sold.) I finaled in 15 contests with 13 different… Read More

Brenda's Auction and Other Things

on May 8, 2008

Brenda Novak’s Auction to Benefit Juvenile Diabetes By now, everyone knows about Brenda’s Auction, right? Just click through to the main auction site to browse a huge list of items for readers, writers, and everyone. There are trips, editor critiques, agent critiques, books, arcs, and a bunch of other stuff. I donated a complete set of my books, airfare for a trip to Bainbridge Island in Washington, and the opportunity to die . . . in one of my books. In addition to being a donor, I also bid on a bunch of stuff. I’m waiting for the “editor for… Read More

Scary Teen Movies

on May 1, 2008

Yesterday was Brennan #2’s 12th birthday. Like I do for the older kids, I took her from school at lunch time for three hours of alone time–lunch and a movie. She wanted to see PROM NIGHT. (Warning: SPOILERS Ahead.) Based on the synopsis, I wanted to see this movie as well. My older daughter saw it with her friends, so it was just #2 and me. Literally. One thing about going to a movie that’s been out awhile, in the middle of a school day, is that NO ONE ELSE was in the theater. Which can be fun. The movie… Read More

The Good, The Bad and the Ugly

on April 24, 2008

Okay, so it’s not an original title 🙂 Let’s reverse the sentiment, however. THE UGLY * The vitriol against Tess Gerritsen by some commenters on the Dear Author blog site. I used to enjoy visiting DA to read news and first sale stories and support some of my friends who have been highlighted. I have commented occasionally. I do NOT like the tone of the comments regarding Tess’s tongue-in-cheek blog post on her site. Okay, they didn’t get her humor. State it and move on. Don’t jump all over a respected, classy woman who has done more to help authors,… Read More

Let's Play!

on April 17, 2008

This is Allison. I’m logged in as an admin because I’m on a different computer and can’t remember my own login and password. Yep, one of those weeks . . . Over at The Graveyard Shift on Monday, I’ll be blogging about my experiences so far at the FBI’s Citizens Academy, specifically talking about what they do and don’t do and how to use that in your writing. I’ve said many times that knowing what is possible is more important than what is probable. So knowing what can and can’t be done through the FBI is important, but knowing the… Read More