I tell people I don’t lead a glamorous life … because I don’t. I write full-time, I watch a lot of television, I have five kids to chauffeur around, and I ultimately live vicariously through my characters.
I brought my lone copy of DEAD HEAT with me so you can see how boring I am.
I’ll start on Thursday, because Thursday was my daughter Mary’s last softball game for the season. It was also Kelly’s last day of high school — she graduates this week. And I finished the revisions to COMPULSION Thursday afternoon, which was a great feeling. Especially since it was One Day Early. Whoot!
At Mary’s softball game, my book got to meet my neighbor, Mary’s assistant coach:

This is Stephanie. She’s not only my friend and neighbor, but she and her husband coach Mary’s softball team. Mary greatly improved this year and now loves the sport, a sign of great coaching, especially during a losing season.
Because it was the last softball game, my mom Claudia made the trip down from Folsom — about a 30 minute drive.
The girls didn’t win (they lost by only 1 point!) but they played with heart and spirit. I told Mary she had the Hunter Pence can-do positive attitude. Not to mention his crazy batting posture! (But it worked … she hit a triple, then walked, then hit a single. Go Mary!)
I “watched” the Giants game on my iPhone during the softball game while simultaneously socializing with fellow moms and my own mom. The Giants won.
On Friday, I went to my mom’s house to help her pick flooring samples because she wants to sell (she ultimately decided, after talking to a realtor, not to put that much money into a house she wants to sell — he had some other great suggestions!) So I brought up DEAD HEAT and my book got to visit the shelf it’s going to be living in when my mom finishes reading her copy:

I have my own shelf in a special bookcase! See who’s on the shelf below me? My mom’s other favorite author!
Mark had a haircut that afternoon, but fortunately my daughter Kelly took him (I am SOOOO going to miss my extra driver when she goes to college!) I got home in time for Mary’s softball swim party at the coach’s house. Here’s the book enjoying the weather … before eleven ten-and-eleven-year-old girls jumped into the water.
Oh, and the Giants won again Friday night.
You know I lead a boring life when one of the most exciting moments of my day was getting an email from the FBI inviting me to participate in the next regional FBI SWAT training. June 18th! I can hardly wait. I love these days.
Also on Friday, I helped Luke with his science fair project (mostly nagging him) and Kelly and I are trying to get caught up with Glee. We decided that Season 5 is better than Season 4 & 3, but nothing will be as good as the first two seasons. Because they’ve announced they’re ending the show after Season 6, we’ll probably watch it next year, too.
On Saturday, I ran a bunch of errands with my two boys, including buying a few things for Luke’s science fair project. And visiting Game Stop so Luke could trade in a bunch of games. What do you think we ended up buying?
Then I came home to watch the Giants game. They lost. But that’s okay, they’re still the #1 team in baseball. (Knock on wood!) The weather was also too hot to do much of anything, but nonetheless, I ended up taking my girls out to Target and DSW. Score one for all of us buying shoes! Mary also needed a new swimsuit for her end of the year field trip. My book stayed home because it was too tired to go out.

Relax with a good book! RT Book Reviews gave it 4.5 stars and said, “Gut-wrenching and chilling, this is a story you won’t soon forget!”
More Glee Saturday night, plus some Mario Kart 8 playing.
Yesterday, Sunday, we went to church, then our “after church if you’re good and don’t fight with your siblings” Starbucks treat. Unfortunately, my book slept in and didn’t a caffeine boost.
Home in time to watch the Giants game (though I missed the first 2 runs!) Yes, they won. Still the #1 team in baseball. (Knock on wood. Again.)
Then it was time to clean my office, but my son was writing his History final essay on my computer, so I procrastinated by watching Looney Tunes cartoons with my youngest son, Mark. I still love Bugs Bunny! And doesn’t Minnie look like that cute little black and white kitten who sleeps on the big grey bulldog?
I did manage to clean about 12% of my office, which for me is pretty good. If I get my desk cleaned off, I’ll be up to 18%!
Sunday was also a day to do a lot of little things to prepare for Tuesday’s book release. A couple blogs, a newsletter, answering email. And now, as I sign off, it’s midnight … and DEAD HEAT will be out in exactly twenty-four hours.
Today (Monday) I’m driving on an end-of-the-year field trip. I rarely drive on field trips, but because my book is done I agreed to this one at the last minute. It’s a swim party. My kids won’t even notice I’m there. I’m bringing the print out of COMPULSION and hope I can sneak off and read it. I was told I didn’t need to chaperone, that they have plenty plus lifeguards. Yeah! Because guess what? On Tuesday I start the next book while waiting for line edits on COMPULSION.
I rarely take 4 days off from writing, but it seems this weekend I needed it.
DEAD HEAT goes on sale tomorrow wherever mass market paperbacks or ebooks are sold. You can also order it on-line at IndieBound, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Powell’s, Books-a-Million, and iTunes. Or of course your favorite local bookstore!
Check out this short trailer for DEAD HEAT: